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Apres jetlag

After a long New York-Athens flight in economy class, you are feeling as usual — tired and hardly enthusiastic about the prospect of waiting for your connecting flight. Five hours until our flight to Mykonos. For us though, this is perfect five hours to start to defrost. Our defrosting starts as soon as we land, right at the airport. Continue reading »

By danijela on Oct 31, 2004 in 1 comment



blockquote lang="sr">

Sada, sa vremenske distance od mesec dana, Santorini deluje kao san. Sve je tu, na jednom mestu: vulkan, crni pesak, crvene stene. Moji imperativi za leto 2004 bili su samo more i plaža, ali dobila sam daleko više (zahvaljujući pre svega dobroj kinti koju smo spucali, ali kad podvučem crtu vredelo je svaki evro).

Santorini jednostavno mami da ga do kraja istražite… Krenuću od kraja. Continue reading »

By danijela on Oct 19, 2004 in 3 comments

Hotel Principal - 5am wake up call

Mr. Volker Weber’s story inspired me to finally sit down and write about our extremely unpleasant experience at Hotel Principal in Barcelona.

Our story is about a common hotel service known as a wake up call. In our case, a 5am wake up call.

Unfortunately, and also in our case, that 5am wake up call never took place. As a result, we missed our flights and had to buy entirely new tickets costing us each :e350. Continue reading »

By danijela on Oct 2, 2003 in