The idea of krug2ke came to an end.
Feel free to browse through the archives and reminiscent the past. Have fun and see you around.
Following the end-of-the-year mood, I decided to post the annual top 5 for the site. A fact worth noticing is that our productive peek is in autumn and winter period, which is quite opposite to our real life rhythm. Hm, hm?!
Months: December, October, September, November, August
Countries: USA, Canada, Great Britain, Serbia, China
Search Engine Robots: Inktomi, Googlebot, MSNBot, AskJeeves, Alexa Continue reading »
Finally I found some time to say few words and follow up with the latest changes here on krug2ke. It’s been quiet here for some time. There are so many things and so little time, but we all know that :)
Super easy Markdown is in da house. I went through posts and switched everything down. Feed readers please ignore updated items since updates are related to HTML markup only. Note to girls: Writing posts is now dead easy. Continue reading »
Dacili reaguje na Politikin tekst pod naslovom Визе су наша судбина. Skupljamo kintu za podršku :)
blockquote cite="" lang="sr">
Moj tata je imao običaj da kaže "da je čoveku za sreću potrebno tako malo, a neki ni to malo nikad ne dobiju". Godinama sam se s gnušanjem ograđivala od ove sumnjive teze, ali, eto ironije, "život me je demantovao" (česta srpska uzrečica). Continue reading »
We are busy. For the first time, four of us, very close friends, are working together on a web design project. Let’s just say…it hasn’t been a smooth ride…at all. Working with friends is not exactly a stroll through the park, even though to me it was always the ultimate work position to be in. It turns out, working together takes some adjustments. Continue reading »
This is one of the most favorite days in the year for us. It is the first full day of spring that injects us with fresh energy and thoughts of new beginnings. It is also the birthday of 1/3 of our team, so even more reason for feeling good.
To start fresh, we added the second edition to our small urban garden of two plants. The white orchid is sitting happy in the 8°C sun in Harlem, NYC.
Happy birthday and happy spring to all.
Evo i specijalnog iznenadjenja za večerašnju proslavu, internacionalni trio N.O.A.H. (Manchester, NYC, Prague) sa sjajnim aranžmanom Balkan style zvuka :) Lepo se provedite i sve najbolje u Novoj godini!
N.O.A.H. - Balkan Hot Step (mp3 sample, 1.8MB)
P.S. Bilo bi WoW napraviti NYC pleh-session na nekom od sledećih gostovanja trubača u Bulgarian Bar-u ;)
A glimpse of Harlem in the snow.
Blitzkrieg na Berlin je pri kraju. Uspešno priključena na 33K konekciju već drugi put pišem ovaj tekst. Prvi je nestao. Činjenice da mi dial-up odbrojava vreme, da mi se tekst izgubio i da ne mogu da provalim zašto trikovi za srpska slova ne funkcionišu, me čine vrlo nervoznom. I sve to na poslednji dan u Berlinu, što nije nikako dobro :) Continue reading »
Krug2ke is thrilled to present the second version of mmhair Web site — web presentation of Miloš Mišković, an independent hair stylist living and working in Serbia.
Version 2 brings sleek and simple presentation which outlines his hairstyles in a clear manner. This time we focused on providing better user experience; a structured navigation, separating content from presentation and a valid XHTML code are the core improvements which are going to help the overall usage and future expansion of the web site. Continue reading »