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Wonderful Lessons in Life

Perhaps my trip to Greece is to blame. I came back so relaxed that my brain has a hard time responding to the usual speed of life in NYC. And here, you cannot afford to relax. You have to stay on top of things, even when finding an apartment.

And apartment we did find. One that we really really liked. And we did get approved and we were about to sign the lease on Friday, but, as I’ve found out about half an hour ago, we did lose it to someone else who was ready to occupy it immediately.

Of course, even though ours was the first offer, noone had called us to ask if we would consider occupying it immediately. That is probably what bothers me the most. The second thing that bothers me is that I wasn’t fast enough. Instead, I decided to wait until Friday to sign the lease for an apartment that I really liked and already saw myself in.

You see, that perfect apartment even had a terrace, which for Manhattan is unbelievable, and in my head I was already sipping on my Frappe and overlooking Central Park :(

The lesson here is: When you really want something in life, be it an apartment or a person or anything else, you have to grab it fast and hold on it tight, claim it so firmly that noone else can. You can’t afford to wait because it might not be there tomorrow.

So, now, a little bit smarter, I continue my search for the perfect two bedroom apartment in Manhattan. And being that I am always positive, I am sure that we will find an even better one.

By danijela on Jun 9, 2004 in


Koliko kosta to zadovoljstvo, biti Njujorcanin? (mislim na stanarinu)

no te preocupes, tia…
stara indonezanska ;) poslovica kaze:
za muskarcima i busevim ne vredi juriti:
jedan ode - dugi ce doci.
moze li se to ikako primeniti i na stanove? :))
(nadam se…)
beso d